Tuesday, December 8, 2009

happy-happy mood

hai there..
hope sehat la kan..
dah lme xburak2 kan
asik ckap psl hati je
memang buhsan
sori k?

okey tak my new layout?
ade mcm kanak2 riang sket kan
and lately
i think i'm back to my-old-bad-habit
dulu, i love cute stuff, esp in pink
xkira la ape2 brg pun...
hmm i wonder why..
ohh also
sempena musim winter ni
saje letak snow2 sket
baru la rase cm kat overc
xdpt gi sne, tgk snow jatuh kt belog pun xpelaa
incek chad michelle muray, tolong mainkan salji utk saye buleh?

enuff about that
i cant wait to back home..
and have holiday until sunday
can u believe that?
bole plak tgh2 sem kolej bg cuti lme2
tula benifit kalo study kt private ni
syg msu~~~~

td mse kol my along
dia ckp csi new york dah ade season baru
it is awesome u know?

k la nk smbung tgk gossip girl