hai there...how are you?
today, i decided to go to hospital
not to say i am a good daughter
but tadi, i accompany my abah to do his monthly check up
yelaa, as anak, kte prlu tau thap ksihatan parent kte..ape ubat yg dia ambek..
skurg-kurgnye..kalo ape2 jd, kte tau la sket2 kan..
we went to hospital mentakab...the place where my mum had to cut her body to have me :)
it was only 8 am. but there were so many cars..so sure la many people too kan?
abah was fasting from last night since doc will checks his blood measure, etc
so do i, who wants to do scaling.. what's scalling? later i'll talk about it k
FYI, although my abah already had appointment with his doc
but, at government hospital, we really have to patient
name je dh ade apoinment,lmbt gak prosesnye..
so abah suruh i g check gigi..mmandgkan dah btaun2 tak cek gigi
so dlm nk tggu no abh kne pgil, i g check gigi
ok, makes it short.. i pun check gigi, and buat scalling..
scalling to cuci gigi..tp gune alat2 yg khas
dh tggu dlm 2 jam
akhirnye bjayelaa mncuci gigi
proses ni kpd sesiapa yg xpnh buat, skejap je
adela dlm 30 minit
bgntung gak kpd tahap 'kekotoran gigi'
until now, still rase ngilu
and, takleh mkn mknan manis
what to say kan?
maybe to you who didn't have any prob wif ur teeth
u're very-very lucky
people like me who have teeth that unorganize and not-so-beautiful
need to get some help from dentist
well, that's why dulu2 i want to be a dentist but as u know, my bio is bad
so, tak leh la kan?
xpela dpt kawen ngn dentist pun okey gak kan? *muahaha*
eh dah jauh lari topik ni..
ksimpulannye, sronok dpt ikut abah g hospital
tau la ubat ape dia ambek
bnyk gle ubat darah tgg yg dia kne mkn
tp ape yg bole wat kan?
kalo mak, lg bnyk dia ambek ubat
lg sedih
slalu mak ckp, demi nk tgk anak2 bjaye, takpela mkn segenggam ubat pun
sedih kan?
so mari kite brbakti pade mereka yg kita syg sblum mereka pergi :)
Grandpa: I’ll DIE before I let you marry her
5 months ago
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