i think i do love every single thing about new york
first, i really like CSI New york
i forced myself to wake up early everyday just to watch that show
i dont know why, but from two other CSI's series, New york is always being top in my heart
i like Mac, Stella,Danny,Lindsey,Adam, Flack and all character that make them look so real
well, i also like Danny and Lindsey's love story start from beginning till the end
they look so cute together
msti korang ingat aku ni gile kan? whatever
second, i like hindi movie titled NEW YORK
not just because the lead actor was John Abraham
omg u are so hotttttttttttttt even as a bad man
but Katrina Kaif and Neil Nitin also help to make this movie become best
neil nitin, although u look so skema in pic, but u have such a handsome look w/o have to smile
and i like those men like you!!!! mula dah nk gatai ~~~trigat kat dayah..
the story, songs, and all about it also makes me satisfy to
waste my sleeping time to watch them
congrats, Chopras family
u never failed to produce a good story
bila la dpt gi new york? haiaahhh
i'm in very good mood
no cry2
but, td i ternangis gak
childish kan?
okey selama bekencimpung dlm dunia drama korea ni
ade few dramas je yg buat air mata ni senang je nk gugur
1. autumn in my heart - mse si adik kejar si abang (tgk drama ni mse darjah bape ntah)
2. east of eden - mse si anak ni ucap slamat tggl kat ayah dia yg mati (baru tgk pukul 12.30 tghari td)
meh kite gelak kuat
ade ke nangis tgk drama?
hilang kejelitaan
tp, kalo diteliti betul2
dua2 cerita ni ade psamaan prlu diselidiki nilah hasilnye tgk csi hari2
both drama dilakonkan oleh org yg same iaitu........
song seung hun
saya suka dia ni wlopun dh tua
tp suka mcm tu jela
xdela smpai nk gntung poster bagai
dan, dia tak nmpk kacak kalo tidak senyum
jadi, xmasuk dlm list
Grandpa: I’ll DIE before I let you marry her
5 months ago
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